Scratching Face

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How To Stop Baby From Scratching Their Face

Babies can do all sorts of things without knowing. Sometimes babies will scratch their faces with their tiny nails as they touch their faces and sleep at night. The last thing you want is a baby with a face full of little scratches so it's your job to prevent them from injuring themselves. All you have to do is a take a few precautions.


Things you'll need:

1. Swaddler

2. Mittens

3. Nail clippers

4. Medical tape

  • Clip your baby's nails with specialized baby clippers. It is often easier to do this when the baby is asleep. Clip the nails weekly so they stay nice and short. Be very careful not to clip them too short though as it will cause your baby discomfort and they may try to bite their fingers and actually end up hurting themselves.
  • Put mittens on the baby's hands after cutting their nails. There are several kinds of lightweight cotton mittens that will cover their hands and thus prevent them from being able to scratch themselves.
  • Put the baby in a swaddler when putting them down for a nap. The swaddler is meant to mimic the womb and thus holds their hands down at their sides in a tight cloth that wraps all the way around their bodies. It's not only good and comforting for your baby but it also prevents them from touching their faces and scratching themselves.
  • Tear off little bits of medical tape and wrap them around the baby's fingertips. This will cover the nails and stop the baby from hurting themselves if they touch their face or body often. Replace the tape daily and make sure to buy hypoallergenic tape that won't irritate the skin.



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