34 Weeks Pregnant: What Will the Hospital Be Like?

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34 Weeks Pregnant: What Will the Hospital Be Like?
34 Weeks Pregnant
In this article
  • Pregnancy Week 34: All About You
  • Pregnancy Week 34: All About Baby
  • How Big Is Baby?
  • Most Common Pregnancy Questions
  • Multiple Madness
  • For Your Partner
  • Fun Fact

Wondering what to expect on the big day?

Here's a look at what will happen when you arrive at the hospital to give birth.

Have you written your birth plan? How about setting up a phone tree to share the happy news?

(That way, once baby has arrived, your birth partner only has to make one phone call—and the news will be spread from there.) This week you'll need to iron out all your birth details.
And be sure you know the signs of premature labor!
  • Menstrual-like cramps (sometimes with diarrhea, indigestion, or nausea)
  • Watery, pinkish, or brownish discharge (sometimes preceded by a thick mucus plug)
  • Amniotic fluid, trickling or flowing from the vagina

Pregnancy Week 34: All About You

By now you're getting used to the backaches, leg cramps, and other pains that come with the final weeks of pregnancy. You may also experience swelling in your ankles and feet, and sometimes in your face and hands. The swelling is caused in part by pregnancy hormones, which encourage your body to hang on to water to fuel a variety of baby-growing needs. Try drinking plenty of water and elevating your feet as much as possible to relieve swelling. Don't worry—most of your uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms will disappear once you deliver. In some cases—five to 10 percent of pregnancies—persistent swelling may be a sign of a potentially serious condition called preeclampsia. Your healthcare provider will be checking you regularly, however, to make sure that you do not have this condition.

Getting Ready for the Hospital
On TV and in the movies, having a baby often seems quick and dramatic. In real life, you'll most likely be at the hospital for hours rather than minutes before your nurse or physician announces, "It's a boy!" or "It's a girl!" And unless it's an emergency situation, you won't likely be rushed into a delivery room. That said, if you plan ahead, you can make your hospital or birth center experience less hectic.

Take a practice run: Sounds like a silly question, but do you know how to get to the hospital? How about what entrance to use or where to park your car? Go on a practice ride so you know the answers to these questions.
On your run, take notes. For example, parking can be stressful, especially when you're in labor. Find out how close the hospital's parking structure is to the hospital. Once in the hospital, find out exactly what floor houses labor and delivery (L&D). Ask whether you go directly to L&D or whether you need to check in somewhere else first. Your hospital may offer tours for parents-to-be; call to find out more.

Fill in your paperwork before delivery day: You shouldn't have to worry about anything other than having a baby once you're in labor, but the hospital needs information about your health insurance and medical history before you can be admitted. Most hospitals will allow you to fill out pre-admission forms a few weeks before your expected due date. Certified nurse midwife Dr. Joanne Motino Bailey, PhD, says that your physician may be able to provide you with the necessary forms you need to fill out to make check-in at the hospital a quick process. You should also contact your health insurance provider before delivery day, as you will need to add your baby's name to your insurance policy shortly after birth.

Check the hospital's costs for incidental expenses: You may take it for granted that you'll have a phone and a TV in your room, but depending on hospital policy, you may be charged if you use them. Whether you're in the hospital for two days or more, these costs can add up (and aren't likely covered by your health insurance). You may also be charged more if you are in a private room. Call the hospital and your health insurance provider beforehand to make sure you understand these costs.

Choose a pediatrician for your baby: As part of your hospital paperwork, you may be asked to include the name of your baby's pediatrician. Consult with your health insurance provider, your physician, or even ask friends for recommendations when selecting a doctor for your child.
Once you've chosen a pediatrician, contact him or her with your baby's expected delivery date. A pediatrician will need to examine your baby before he leaves the hospital. Your pediatrician will then suggest when to schedule follow-up appointments and immunizations for your infant.

Pregnancy Week 34: All About Baby

Your unborn baby's muscles are maturing along with the rest of his body. He can hold his head up and turn it from side to side. He'll practice his newfound muscle tone by stretching out his arms and kicking his legs.
If you are indeed having a boy, the testes have descended into their proper place. Your baby's eyes are now open when awake, and closed when sleeping. Most of the lanugo is gone and replaced with a thick coat of vernix.

How Big Is Baby?

This week your baby is about 17 inches (crown to heel) and weighs nearly 5 pounds.

Most Common Pregnancy Questions

What do I need to know about breastfeeding while in the hospital? Do I need a breast pump?
Suffice it to say there are entire books devoted just to this subject, and I will not even begin to cover all there is to know But the best advice I can give is to keep a sense of humor and relax!

Will you need to buy a pump for your hospital bag? Probably not. The reasons why you might need a breast pump in the hospital are:

  • Your baby is born premature or sick and cannot latch on properly

  • Your baby is unable to latch because of an anatomical issue (with either you or your baby)

  • You experience engorgement (although nursing is still best here!)

  • If your baby is nursing well, she will be your best pump. (Any baby is better than the current number-one selling breast pump on the market!) If you want to express or pump some milk for others to feed her, I recommend waiting about three weeks. Why? This will give you and your baby a chance to practice and perfect breastfeeding and get your milk supply well established. You will also be very busy with your newborn, and finding the time to pump in the early weeks after birth can be frustrating and challenging.

    Here are some important key points to keep in mind regarding your early days of breastfeeding:
    • Yes, there is milk in there: Colostrum! This super-charged early milk begins forming in the second trimester—just in case you deliver early—your baby will be fed!
    • Nurse the baby soon after delivery and often—if the baby shows cues (such as rooting)—go for it!
    • Your body has a surge or prolactin after delivery (this is your milk-making hormone)—it will continue to rise with the stimulation provided by breastfeeding your infant.
    • About 48 to 72 hours after giving birth your milk will come in.
    • Expect to feel awkward. This is a new skill and you need to give yourself time to adjust.
    • The more you feed the more milk you make. Milk supply depends on demand. The more the baby demands it—the more your body will supply it
    • Don't try to get the baby on a schedule! Let your little one lead you.
    • Ask for help. Nurses and lactation consultants are there to help you get started. They will work with you to help you properly position the baby.
    • Try different nursing positions, and get yourself comfortable first before sitting down to nurse. Empty your bladder, take pain medication if you need it, sit in a comfortable chair or bed, and use pillows to help prop up your baby.
    • Learning how to latch the baby deeply is the key to both your and your baby's happiness. A deep latch makes feeding comfortable for you, and your baby will drink milk with much greater ease.
    • Nurse eight times a day.
    • Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
    • Eat a healthy diet!
    • Keep track of the pees and poops (what goes in, must come out—so if the baby is feeding well—the output will be good.) Have your nurse or LC provide you with a log to track the feeds and diapers.
    • Make sure the latch is comfy. If it feels pinch or painful—take the baby off immediately and re-latch.
    • Know whom to call when you go home if you are experiencing problems or the baby is not feeding well.
    • Check in with your pediatrician a few days after discharge for a weight check.

    Multiple Madness

    Are You Getting Uncomfortable?
    When I was 34-weeks pregnant with twins, I swore that my girth was larger than my height. I was hospitalized with preterm labor, and each time I wanted to flip from side to side, a nurse and my husband had to help me. It was horrifying.
    In these final weeks, comfort can be hard to attain. The best you can do is to simply try your best. These tips can help you find some comfort (even if just for an hour or two!).
    Be sure to have a body pillow to help you sleep. Some women take to the couch or a reclining chair at this point, opting to doze between midnight reruns of their favorite sitcom.
    A Belly Band can help to "hold up" your uterus, taking some of the pressure off your lower body pressure off your lower body, back, and bladder.
    Don't try to force yourself into clothing that, while large even by maternity standards, simply doesn't fit any longer. Go for comfy clothes. Proudly don a pair of large sweatpants—or even your husband's boxers. Oversize T-shirts also work well at this stage. You'll have plenty of opportunity to be glamorous again in later months (or years).
    Continue to drink plenty of water to stave off contractions and edema.
    If you have access to a swimming pool or bathtub, and if your doctor permits it, indulge in a floating session as often as possible to take the weight off your feet. It's best to do this with someone around in case you need assistance of some sort.
    Finally, be sure to wear comfortable shoes with good support. Your feet may have grown a bit; it's worth it to invest in a pair of comfortable shoes even if you only wear them for a couple of months. They will provide tremendous relief to your back and make shuffling to the kitchen for another snack that much more comfortable.
    Not to worry, you're almost there. Try not to fret too much about what others think of your appearance. If you're as comfortable as possible, that's all that matters.

    For Your Partner

    Bonding Tips for New Dads
    Many new fathers don't know quite what to do with their new babies. The truth is it doesn't really matter what you do with Baby, just that you do things with him or her.
    Wondering how to get started? Try these tips:
    • Hold your baby. You don't have to do anything special, just hold her. You may want to try kangaroo care—holding your bare baby to your bare chest. You can sit anywhere comfortable and either take your shirt off or wear a shirt you can unbutton, and lay your newborn directly on your chest. Put a blanket over her so she stays warm. To make it even more special, read or talk to her so she can hear the comforting sound of your voice. She may even fall asleep like that. In fact, you may as well.
    • Feed your baby. If your partner is breastfeeding (and has a routine pretty well established), ask her to pump a little bit every day so you can give your baby a bottle. It's important that the two of you share some valuable Daddy-Baby time together. And it is good for Baby to know that you, too, can take care of her hunger needs.
    • Take a walk with your tiny one in a baby carrier (Baby Bjorn, baby sling, etc.). You can also just carry your newborn. When she's a bit older, you can take her out in a stroller, too.
    • Read, talk, or sing to your baby. She needs to hear the sound of your voice. You can read anything:Sports Illustrated, an Abraham Lincoln biography, really anything … try not to read your work papers, though! (By the way, Baby can hear your voice after the fifteenth week in the womb.)
    • Hold your partner while she holds your baby. This is another good way to build intimacy and closeness in your family.
    • Change diapers/dress your baby. Just as with feeding, your baby needs to know you can meet her core needs. Not only does changing diapers and dressing your little one help to build a bond, but it is one-on-one time that you'll find yourself cherishing while easing the burden on your partner.
    • Trim or file her nails. Babies nails grow fast and can cause quite a bit of damage to their delicate skin (and yours too!) when they get too long. You don't have to use nail clippers if doing so makes you nervous; a nail file works well, too.

    Fun Fact

    In July 2007, a Texas mother delivered the heaviest set of quintuplets ever born in the United States. The mother carried 21 pounds, 7.2 ounces amongst her five babies, delivered at 34 weeks. The largest baby weighed five pounds, one ounce, making her the heaviest quintuplet girl on record.

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