36 Weeks Pregnant: Am I In Labor?

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36 Weeks Pregnant: Am I In Labor?
36 Weeks Pregnant
In this article
  • Pregnancy Week 36: All About You
  • Pregnancy Week 36: All About Baby
  • How Big Is Baby?
  • Most Common Pregnancy Questions
  • Multiple Madness
  • Just For Your Partner
  • Fun Fact
  • Follow The Chronicles of a Real-Life Pregnancy
  • Tell Your Due Date Club

Are you familiar with the symptoms of labor? Be sure you speak with your healthcare provider and know what to expect.
Having odd dreams? That's common! So is "nesting" behavior, though this tends to kick in strongest right before labor begins. Watch out! If you have a sudden, unbearable urge to scrub the grease from behind the stove, you may be heading for the hospital soon!

Pregnancy Week 36: All About You

You've now entered the final month of pregnancy—congratulations! You're probably anxious to meet your new baby and be rid of the discomforts of pregnancy. Heartburn may be a constant complaint. As your stomach is pushed upward by your ever-expanding uterus, acid from the stomach may leak back into your esophagus (acid reflux). Slow digestion caused by pregnancy also worsens the affects of heartburn since food sits in your stomach longer.

Am I in Labor?
Seems like you'd know when you're in labor, right? Not necessarily. You may be one of the fortunate few who break their water to know for certain labor has begun. Yet for most women, figuring out when they're in labor is no easy task.
Even doctors aren't sure exactly what triggers labor. While they know the brain releases the hormone oxytocin to stimulate contractions in the uterus, they have no idea why it happens when it happens. The prevailing theory, explains Dr. Joanne Motino Bailey PhD, and a certified nurse midwife, is that the uterus and cervix gradually become more and more sensitive to the effects of oxytocin (which the brain releases throughout pregnancy) as delivery day approaches. "I often describe it as a hormone cascade," says Dr. Bailey.
While you can't see or feel when the brain releases pregnancy hormones, you will be able to notice other signs delivery day is coming—soon. You may feel like the baby has "dropped." At some point before delivery, your baby-to-be will move down into your pelvis. You may or may not notice this movement, called "lightening." This movement can happen weeks or hours before your baby's birth. According to Dr. Bailey, although there is no hard evidence that women feel this event, many first-time mothers seem to be more sensitive to if and notice it more.

Your cervix stretches: While you won't be able to tell on your own if your cervix is stretching—known as dilation—your doctor will check for this at weekly office visits as you near the end of pregnancy. You'll likely be pleased to hear your cervix is opening in preparation for delivery, but remember that this process can take weeks. You may be dilated to one, two, or even three centimeters for a while before your body begins real labor. (Once your cervix is stretched to 10 centimeters, you'll be ready to have your baby).

Your cervix thins: In addition to dilation, your cervix also thins to make way for your baby. As the cervix thins—known as effacement—you may notice some blood and increased vaginal discharge. Occasionally, as the cervix thins, this blood discharge can be enough to make you wonder if it is what's called a "bloody show." This isn't always the case. As Dr. Bailey points out, the capillaries in the cervix can rupture as the cervix thins. So a woman may notice some blood. But sometimes it can be hard to distinguish whether the blood comes from cervix thinning or mucus plug coming apart. Be sure to speak with your doctor if you have any concerns. She can help you discern the cause and the best course of action.

You lose your mucus plug: A mucus plug sits at the opening of the uterus. This thick chunk of goo comes out at some point before your baby's birth. The plug may come out all at once or gradually. You may not even notice when you lose your mucus plug. Sexual intercourse and your prenatal exam can loosen the mucus plug . Losing your mucus plug doesn't mean you're in labor; it can be hours or days before labor begins, says Dr. Bailey.

You have a sudden burst of energy: Besides what's going on inside your body, you may notice other unusual signs your baby's birth is near. Many women find they have bursts of energy, called the nesting instinct, in the days leading up to delivery. Women report doing deep cleaning, baking, or something else that will prepare their homes for Baby's arrival.
You have regular, intense contractions: At times, it may be difficult to distinguish real labor pains from false pains, but during labor, contractions won't subside if you sit down or change positions. Instead your contractions will become more regular and intense. Unlike false contractions, real labor pains tend to start in the lower back, not abdomen. Start timing your contractions if you suspect your baby's on the way. Call your healthcare provider with any questions.
Your water breaks: Inside your uterus, your baby is cushioned in a sac of amniotic fluid. For some pregnant women labor begins when this sac ruptures and the fluid begins to leak out. The rupture can come in a trickle or a rush. While urine carries a distinct odor, amniotic fluid is virtually odorless. Unlike the other signs listed above, once your water breaks there's no question it's time to call your healthcare provider to see if you should go into the hospital right away or wait until you start experiencing strong contractions.
If you suspect you're in labor, call your doctor. You may have conditions in your pregnancy that require you to go to the hospital as soon as contractions begin, or your doctor may advise you to stay at home until contractions become more intense. Your doctor is there to guide you through delivery—don't hesitate to call.
A Note Regarding Cesarean Sections
There are a variety of reasons your healthcare provider may suggest you have a C-section. For instance, many healthcare providers will suggest a C-section if your baby is in the breech position or if you've had a previous C-section. Overall, in the United States C-sections are on the rise. According to information from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 31.1 percent of live births in 2006 were via Cesarean section, up three percent from the previous year and up "50 percent over the last decade," says the NCHS. Some patients and even healthcare providers are requesting a scheduled C-section for no other reason than convenience. But like any major surgery, C-sections carry serious risks. You should consult with your doctor carefully if you are considering a scheduled C-section.

Pregnancy Week 36: All About Baby

Your once wiggly baby now favors certain body positions. Typically, your baby will enjoy resting with his head down and his rump toward your ribs—the ideal placement for delivery. Your baby's movements will become less frequent as he has less wiggle room. From now Baby's growth will be slow and steady as he continues to put on weight and fill out.

How Big Is Baby?

Your little one weighs in at 6 pounds this week and his length hovers around 18 inches (crown to heel).

Most Common Pregnancy Questions

My hospital is asking me to choose a pediatrician now, before my baby is born! How should I decide?
Deciding who will provide healthcare for your new baby can feel overwhelming. The best way for your to start your pediatrician research is to ask friends and relatives in your hometown who has cared for their children. Ask them about the office staff, hours, and personality of their doctors. If you are new to an area and don't have anyone to ask, your OB may be able to provide you with a list of doctors in the area. You can also check with the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) for a list of doctors in your area.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that parents use the following questions when choosing a pediatrician:
  • Is the pediatrician accepting new patients?
  • Is he or she covered by your insurance or managed care plan?
  • What are the office hours?
  • Is emergency coverage available 24 hours a day, seven days a week?
  • Is the pediatrician available by phone or e-mail? If so, when?
  • Does the practice have an after-hours answering service?
  • Is that service linked to a university or children's hospital?
  • Where are patients referred after hours?
  • Is there access to pediatric specialists, if needed?
  • What hospital does the pediatrician prefer to use?
  • How does the office handle billing and insurance claims? Is payment due at the time of the visit?
  • If your child has special medical needs, ask about the practice's overall orientation and philosophy about caring for special-needs children. Can it provide the support you need to coordinate medical care for your child?
Other things you should consider when you go to visit prospective pediatricians include:
  • What is the appearance of the office? Is it clean and kid friendly?
  • Is there a separate waiting area for sick children?
  • Are they supportive of breastfeeding moms?
  • Do they have classes or support groups?
  • Do they have an answering service or 24-hour phone nurse?
No matter how much a friend or other person may love a particular doctor it is very important that you feel comfortable with this person. So make and appointment to meet prospective caregivers, and go armed with the above questions.

Multiple Madness

Preparing for Babies' Arrival
If you're still waiting for your babies to make their appearance, there are a few last-minute preparations that will help ensure a smooth transition from hospital to home.
  • Prepare meals and freeze them, and stock up on take-out menus from your favorite local restaurants.
  • Make sure your important baby supplies are ready to go. Sterilize your bottles and nipples, check the motor on your breast pump, and be sure you have diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, and formula (if you plan to use it).
  • If you haven't already researched a twin club in your area, do so now. Check the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs website to find a local club.
  • Most importantly, use this time to continue mentally preparing. Practice deep breathing and remind yourself that everything will work out just fine. It's easy to over-think everything, and doing so creates stress you don't need. By this point, I'm sure you've read nearly everything there is to read and asked nearly every question there is to ask. Now, sit back and wait to see how it all unfolds.

Just For Your Partner

Your Chance to Shower, Too
Traditional baby showers begin with registering—a policy that can make life easier for everyone involved by showing generous family and friends what items you'd like to have on hand for Baby. Most major stores provide UPC scanners, allowing couples to scan the items they'd like for Baby and have that information automatically added to an in-store and/or online registry. This can be a fun process, and it gives you a glimpse at how much new stuff you'll have for your newborn. Many companies are making an effort to reach out to dads with things like manly diaper bags (read: cool backpacks) and strollers with shock absorbers for rugged sidewalks.
Despite what you might think, baby showers aren't just for women anymore. More parents-to-be are opting for "couples" showers, where both men and women participate and share the celebration, without robbing the expecting mother of her special moment.
If your partner really wants to have her own event, you don't have to be left out. You're becoming a parent, too, right? While her friends are planning something for her, talk to your friends about a get-together for the guys. Then, when your partner's friends and family participate in the shower, your family and friends can join you for bowling, golf, etc. (There's even the new trend called "Baby Keggers," where guys throw the dad-to-be a party in his honor and shower him with their favorite daddy gadgets and words of wisdom.) If you and your wife want, you can come together towards the end of your separate showers and extend the celebration to everyone.
Whatever you two decide to do for the baby shower, just keep in mind that men who want to be involved from the get-go don't have to miss out on the party!

Fun Fact

The rupturing of membranes (the clinical term for breaking your water) before the onset of labor doesn't happen for every woman. In fact, only 10 to 12 percent of women break their water before labor begins.

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