If your kids are like mine, they dread taking a bath! Here are some fun ideas for making bathtime funtime, so your kids will look forward to getting in the tub! These are simple steps and use things you have around the house. Here's hoping they work as well for you as they have for me!
Instructions, things you'll need:
- Food coloring
- Washcloths and foamy soap
- Measuring cups and other simple kitchen tools
- Food Coloring: Baths are so much more fun when your child gets to choose the color of the water! Let her pick her favorite color of food coloring, then add 5-10 drops of color to the bath as the water is running. If you add bubbles, the bubbles will have a slight hint of color as well
- Foamy soap: Who doesn't enjoy making a funny beard or hat from foam? Purchase an inexpensive foaming soap dispenser and add your favorite bath soap, as well as a drop or two of food coloring if desired, and pump out piles of foamy soap to make funny ears, hats, and beards. Make sure to keep a mirror handy, and maybe a camera too!
- Bath toys: Forget the usual bath toys--bring in something different to liven up bath play! Measuring cups, strainers and sieves, even wire whisks make super bath toys that kids will play with until their fingers turn to raisins--Funnels, straws (for blowing, not drinking :), and different sized plastic cups work well, too. Just make sure to put down towels around the tub, because there may be extra splashing!
- Tips & Warnings
- Bath mitts are another fun addition to bath time, and are easy to make--just fold a hand towel in half, sew up the sides, and sew on felt or terry cloth decorations (eyes, nose, and mouth, or animal faces).
- Hooded towels are a great way to stay warm after getting out of the tub, and kids love them!
- Always supervise young children in the tub--stay within arm's reach to keep them safe.
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