How To Put A Baby To Sleep
When it is time to put your infant to sleep, it is important to bear in mind that a baby's nervous system is not developed and therefore he requires the necessary stimulation to encourage sleep. According to pediatrician, Doctor Harvey Karp, author of the book "The Happiest Baby on the Block", babies require the rhythmic and hypnotic sensations that are reminiscent of being back in the womb.
Put into play the "five S's" for your baby. Some babies may need only one or two of these to sleep, while others may require more.
Swaddling- Babies are comforted when they are swaddled (also known as tightly wrapped). Lay your baby down on a large size receiving blanket and wrap him snugly in it, making sure her arms are tucked inside.
Side (or stomach) position- If your baby cries when you attempt to put him to bed, then make sure you do not place him on his back. This makes a baby feel as if he is falling which leads to a sense of insecurity. Once he is fast asleep in your arms you can lay him on his back but while still in your arms lay him across your shoulder or hold his stomach along the length of your forearm.
Swinging and rhythmic movement- Babies love anything that is swinging and rhythmic as it is soothing in nature. Put your baby in an infant swing and try the different settings to figure out which one works best for your baby. Another option is to take a walk (in your neighbourhood or even around your house or apartment) with your baby in some type of carrier.
Shushing (and white noise) -While babies are still in the womb the sounds they hear are many and variable in volume. Try different options to find what works best. Some babies fall asleep to the sound of fans or blow dryers. You might even want to purchase a white noise machine (or tune the radio to white noise if it helps your little one to drift off into slumber).
Sucking- Once your baby has calmed down, the sucking motion helps to relax him even more. Some babies like to suck more than others. Buy your baby a pacifier but do not rely on it to the point where he becomes too attached to it.
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