The two most common questions women have about labor
are, when will it
start? and, how much will it hurt?
The answer to both: Who knows?
Fortunately, there are plenty of answers to other questions we all have
but are afraid to ask because they seem silly, scary, or downright
gross. "There's an awful lot about childbirth that is, shall we say,
visually unfriendly," says Margaret Buxton, M.S.N, C.N.M., a certified
nurse-midwife with the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing in
Nashville, Tennessee, and a mother of two little girls. From placentas
to mucous plugs to bodily fluids galore, here's what you always wanted
to know about childbirth but were too mortified to mention.
What if my water breaks in public?
First off, only about one in four women experience their water
breaking prior to the onset of labor, notes Buxton. And if you suspect
that you're in labor, you probably won't be heading out to get your hair
cut or browse for antiques.
Even if your water does break unexpectedly, your amniotic fluid is
more likely to leak out slowly than to gush down your legs like a raging
river. (Often, the baby's head will act as a "cork.") Meanwhile, it's
not like people are going to think you peed in your pants. What's
actually happening will be obvious to even casual observers, and they'll
probably fall over themselves trying to help. Take all the sympathy you
can get, because in a few short hours your baby will begin to show you
no mercy, and that won't abate for the next 18 years, if ever. You can
also greatly ease your anxiety by keeping a change of clothes in the
trunk of your car or in your office. One caveat: If your water does
break in public, call your health care provider. Since the risk of
infection increases once the protective amniotic sac is broken, your
provider will want to discuss when you should be admitted to the
hospital or birth center.
I keep hearing about this mucous-plug thing and it sounds
totally gross. When exactly is it likely to fall out, and will it clog
up my toilet or what?
We cannot tell a lie: The mucous plug isn't pretty. It's basically a
gelatinous glob that seals off the opening of your uterus (think of a
cork in a wine bottle). You can lose the plug -- a thick vaginal
discharge of mucus, sometimes tinged with blood -- all at once or in
pieces. If you do lose your plug all at once, it's not going to be any
worse than a menstrual clot, says Kate Abello, M.D., an
obstetrician-gynecologist in private practice in Baltimore, Maryland.
Wear a pad or panty liner and be alert for other signs of labor, which
may begin soon after or still be weeks away. Note that the mucous plug
is different from "bloody show" -- a vaginal discharge of stringy mucus
streaked with blood that precedes labor by a day or two.
Women in my family tend to have fast labors. I'm terrified mine
will begin at work and I'll have to deliver in front of my coworkers and
male boss.
The short answer to this worry is to take an earlier maternity leave;
if you're not in the office, it can't happen. You sure as heck aren't
going to feel like being there the last week or two and will probably
have lost so many brain cells you won't be that useful anyway.
Seriously, though, discuss your family history with your health care
provider. "Fast labors can indeed be a hereditary thing, and your doctor
will want to be more vigilant about checking your cervix for dilation,"
notes Dr. Abello. "Then we can make sure you're in a safe place for
delivery if we see signs of quick progress."
If you would like to work up until your due date, pay superclose
attention to subtle signs of labor (backache and cramping are not just
backache and cramping at this point!), and make a quick exit on days you
just "don't feel right." You can also ask your boss if it would be
possible for you to work from home during your final stretch. Worst case
scenario, if you do go into labor at work, insist that your colleagues
clear out an office and call 911, so some cute firefighter or paramedic
who you never have to see again can do the honors.
Someone told me the placenta looks like a big kidney. Is this
true? Because if so, I'm telling my doctor to keep it to himself.
Well, the placenta can look that way, and frankly, you'll be lucky if
yours does. "A big, red, beefy placenta that looks a lot like organ
meat is exactly what we hope for," Buxton says. "A tiny, shriveled
placenta may mean you didn't take care of yourself or that your baby may
not have gotten the nutrients and oxygen she needed." Of course, once
your baby is born you will be so ecstatic and involved with her that you
will barely be aware of the staff going about their business, known as
the third stage of labor (the easy part, to you).
Meanwhile, your health care provider will quietly inspect the
placenta to make sure it's normal and healthy and intact, but by then
you'll be tallying up your little one's Apgar score and cooing about her
already obvious brilliance.
I was hoping to invite some family members to be with me at the
birth, but now I'm getting worried I'll lose control and start screaming
at everyone.
It's the stuff of many a movie or TV show: Mom on the delivery table
cursing out her husband for getting her into this mess. If you've ever
been in a hospital maternity unit, you certainly may have heard a few
screams. Still, you're not likely to morph into a totally different
personality, says Trish Booth, a former childbirth educator and doula in
Manlius, New York, and the author of Pregnancy Q&A:
Authoritative and Reassuring Answers to the Questions on Your Mind.
"You do not become someone else in labor -- it's an intensification of
who you already are," she explains. "If you turn inward and get quiet
under stress, that's what you'll do in labor. If you yell and scream
normally, then you may during childbirth too."
Is it true -- do women really end up pooping when they push the
baby out?
There's a very good reason they tell you pushing the baby out feels like
a bowel movement -- you're probably having one of those too. "The
vagina and rectum are parallel, so when the baby's head begins to crown,
anything in the rectum gets expelled as well," explains Buxton. "It's
just physics. Women get upset because it's a private thing, but like
vomiting, it's no surprise to anyone who works in a labor room. We just
discreetly clean it up and move on." And rest assured that no one is
going to allow your baby to land in poop -- this event happens in the
early stages of pushing, not when the baby comes out.
My husband fainted at my last birth -- he said all the blood
was too scary looking. I'm not squeamish, however, and would like to try
to watch the birth in the hospital mirror this time around. Do I dare
-- and what do I do about him?
We love dads -- we wouldn't be procreating without them, after all
-- but not all men are created equal when it comes to delivery-room
support. Research shows that men fear losing their partner more than
anything else about childbirth, explains Booth. Labor can be frightening
for them to watch, and when it comes to medical decisions, "many dads
will defer to anyone in scrubs," she says. Chances are your partner will
hold up better the second time around -- just like you, he has some
idea of what to expect -- but don't force a 360-degree view on him if
he seems wary of the idea.
The beauty of the delivery-room mirror is that it is easily
adjustable. Your health care provider can angle it so that you can see
what's going on while Dad averts his eyes. And if you change your mind,
it can be quickly rotated so you don't have to watch either. Actually,
the reverse often happens: "Watching your own progress can be a good
motivational tool," says Buxton. "Moms get inspired to push harder when
they see the head coming. And dads who come into the delivery room
insisting they don't want to see any blood may totally change their tune
and become fascinated if the caregivers explain what's happening. The
next thing you know, Dad's putting on gloves and catching the baby."
A few of my friends got a full-monty wax job before they
delivered. I can't imagine that, even if I weren't pregnant. Is it
really necessary?
There is a trend toward vaginal shaving and waxing among women,
especially younger ones, in our society in general, but it's hardly
something you need to do if you're not inclined, assures Buxton. In the
more primitive days of childbirth (like only a few decades ago), women
were routinely shaved and given an enema when they were admitted to the
hospital. The logic: It provided a more hygienic environment for
delivery. Fortunately, that attitude went the way of leaving dads out in
the waiting room. Waxing isn't necessary and certainly doesn't matter
to your doctor.
I've heard the pain relievers can make you nauseous. What if I
start to throw up on top of everything else coming out of my body?
Some pain relievers can, and likely will, make you nauseous, most
notably the analgesic family, also known as narcotics, which includes
Demerol, Nubain, and Stadol. These medications don't remove your pain,
but "dull" it instead. If you're prone to queasiness, you may want to
pass on them altogether, or ask for an antinausea medication to be given
with them. An epidural can sometimes cause your blood pressure to drop,
which can leave you feeling a bit light-headed and therefore queasy.
But bear in mind that not having any type of anesthesia doesn't
guarantee that you won't vomit. You know how they say contractions come
in waves? Normal, active labor alone is enough to make some women spill
their guts. That's one of the reasons why women are advised not to eat
much after labor begins. But here's an unexpected plus: The same reflex
that causes you to vomit helps push the baby out. "I've had moms-to-be
who were only four or five centimeters dilated; then they vomit and
suddenly hit ten centimeters," notes Buxton.
Will I still be the same "down there" when this is all over?
Even if I have an episiotomy?
Trust us: You're probably not going to be too worried about this
right after having the baby. Sex will not be nearly as enticing as
sleep, and when you begin to feel amorous again, all will be healed and
you will have had time to perform a gazillion Kegels to regain your
muscle tone, if you're that motivated. As for the tightness factor, if
your episiotomy or tears are repaired well and you exercise to get your
muscle tone back, especially between pregnancies, your pelvic floor
should return to normal, insists Dr. Abello.
Sex can feel different at first because scar tissue may need some
stretching, but take it slowly and gently and the pleasure will return.
Buxton recommends doing Kegels while nursing your baby -- not only to
regain muscle tone, but because they promote blood flow, which will help
your perineum heal. And remember: There are other ways to be intimate
when you're not in the mood for sex.
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