Helping Moms Through Stressful Times

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Does your little one refuse to eat dinner? Shriek at the sight of her car seat? Insist on wearing the same dirty sweatshirt for the fourth day in a row?
Whether it's during the morning routine, at bedtime, or somewhere in between, every mom has her tear-your-hair-out moments when her kids just will not cooperate.
There are no one-size-fits-all solutions for these hardest times of the day, but that doesn't mean you're on your own. 

Here are some mom-tested techniques – dozens of helpful little tricks to make life run a little more smoothly.

Refusing to get out of bed

I play high-energy music softly at first and then gradually go louder and louder. If my kids continue to play dead, I jump on their beds until they abandon ship. A little exercise wakes me up as well.
Tickle your kids gently under the arms; kiss them repeatedly; or, my favorite, sing a song really badly and say that you won't stop until they start getting dressed.
Make sure your child is getting enough sleep – move bedtime up a half hour and see if that helps!

Tantrums about getting dressed

This is an extreme measure, but sometimes I have my child get dressed the night before and sleep in what she's going to wear the next day. Before bed, have your child lay out clothes for the next day – everything down to socks and undies. No switching outfits in the morning, either! Limit options. My daughter has only two pairs of shoes, and it's enough.

If your preschooler is picky about what she wears, get her involved in buying her own clothes. I almost always get my 4-year-old's approval before buying so she'll wear the stuff without a battle. I shop online sales with her on my lap. It's easier than going to stores.

I stopped caring about what my kids wear – as long as they're weather- and play-appropriate, anything goes.
To motivate my son, I have him race against me to see who can get dressed first. The "Grandma (or Auntie, or teacher) doesn't think you can get dressed all by yourself" line can work magic!

My rule is that kids must be dressed to eat breakfast. Yes, it can lead to more laundry, but it's worth it.
Threaten to leave the house as-is – in underwear and one sock, for example. Have clothes ready to take with you (or in the car) in case your child calls your bluff. Sometimes I just put clothes on them however I can. I've had to sit on my daughter to get her dressed. I don't like to, but sometimes there's no time for negotiation.
Give up for a few minutes and distract, then try again.

Crazy, rushed breakfasts

Lay out everything you'll need the night before: bowls, cereal, fruit, paper napkins, silverware.
Have your kids eat in the car to save time. Good to-go breakfasts include granola bars, frozen waffles (no syrup, of course), cheese sticks, fruit, or nuts. Let your kids do as much for themselves as they can – pour cereal and milk, get their own spoons and napkins, and so on. Keep kids seated by instituting the "once you're up, you're done" rule.

Not wanting to leave the house

Give your child ten-, five-, and two-minute warnings so they know what to expect and don't feel blindsided.
Use a timer to signal when you need to head out the door.
Try to do the same things in the same order every morning so your child knows what's coming when.
I count to five and if she makes it to the front door before I'm done counting, she gets a treat (usually dried fruit) in the car. Whenever possible, turn tasks into a game.

Struggling against the car seat

It's all about the gummy bears. Yes, I bribe him to get in his car seat. My daughter hates her car seat and is too young to understand why she has to sit in it. I have to force her in some mornings – it's my only option.
I keep a pack of sugar-free gum in the car (for older kids only!). Once they are buckled in, they can have a piece. No car seat, no gum.

Get the police involved. Let your child know that it's not you insisting on the car seat, it's the cops.
Whichever child gets buckled up first gets to pick the music or story we listen to in the car.
Keep a doll car seat in the car and let your child strap in the doll first. Be sure to praise her for being such a good parent.

Public tantrums, meltdowns, and fussiness mental trick can help: I pretend my daughter is someone else's child. That somehow makes the epic battles less personal. Keep earplugs in your purse. Without the noise, it's easy to be kinder and to deal with your child with patience. The best advice I've gotten is to lean into them with love, kindness, and patience when they're freaking out (pretty much counterintuitive). This doesn't mean giving in, but rather giving them space to have big, big feelings, as horrible as it can be. It works magic on a good day. On a bad day, it's just a bad day.

I try to counter intense and high-energy moments with the opposite: I go totally low-key, mellow, slow. It brings everyone's energy down to a livable level.  Distract! I'll look suddenly at something in the distance and say something like, "Oh my gosh, is that a giant pink bunny?" It stops my daughter in her tracks and redirects her attention. Then I can spin it into a fun story about what the pretend bunny was doing.

For my older kids, I say, "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit." Sometimes it's the only response.
Let kids know what's expected of them before they get to meltdown stage. Get down on their level and explain, calmly, what they need to do. When all else fails, use "incentives" (otherwise known as bribes).

Our rule is that the kids must try a bite of what I make, but if they don't like it after trying, they can have a peanut-butter sandwich instead. Nice comments are always welcome. If you have something negative to say about the meal, keep it to yourself. If after trying their dinner they decide they don't like it, the replacement dinner is one they make themselves – usually a bowl of cereal.

Children who are crying or throwing a tantrum are not allowed to be in the same room with people eating. They can join the family when they're done. Buy kid-friendly chopsticks that are connected at the top and play "I bet you can't pick up a [vegetable]!" When they succeed, play "I bet you can't get it into your mouth!" The bonus is that the chopsticks help build their fine motor skills. 

Don't cook separate meals for your kid, just serve meals with at least one food you know they like (like bread and butter). Try the "you don't have to eat it, but the next meal is breakfast" rule.
If possible, bring in reinforcements (aunts, uncles, older siblings, babysitters) to encourage your kids to try new things at meals. Sometimes they're more convincing than parents.

Refusing to eat or complaining about the meal

Our rule is that the kids must try a bite of what I make, but if they don't like it after trying, they can have a peanut-butter sandwich instead.
Nice comments are always welcome. If you have something negative to say about the meal, keep it to yourself.
If after trying their dinner they decide they don't like it, the replacement dinner is one they make themselves – usually a bowl of cereal.
Children who are crying or throwing a tantrum are not allowed to be in the same room with people eating. They can join the family when they're done.
Buy kid-friendly chopsticks that are connected at the top and play "I bet you can't pick up a [vegetable]!" When they succeed, play "I bet you can't get it into your mouth!" The bonus is that the chopsticks help build their fine motor skills. 
Don't cook separate meals for your kid, just serve meals with at least one food you know they like (like bread and butter).
Try the "you don't have to eat it, but the next meal is breakfast" rule.
If possible, bring in reinforcements (aunts, uncles, older siblings, babysitters) to encourage your kids to try new things at meals. Sometimes they're more convincing than parents.

Won't help with cleanup

Use music to motivate your kids during clean-up time. Pick a special song to play or sing.
If you act like it's fun, they will too.
Make cleanup easy by using bins or baskets to throw everything in.

Resists getting ready for bed, bath time, or hair-brushing

When my daughter was about 3, I would take one of her stuffed animals or just pretend to be someone else (usually in a child's voice) and ask her to teach me how to brush teeth and put pj's on. She loves to tell others what to do – she comes by it honestly – and she would get really into it. That's how we'd get through the whole bedtime routine. or 40 minutes ahead of time, I tell them what time lights-out will be. The faster they get ready, the more reading time we have. I tell them I'm ready and I read a magazine until they're ready (or ready for help for the younger one). The calmness really helps. I like this method because it's win-win for me – if they hurry, we get to read for a long time, and if they don't, I get to enjoy my magazine. I don't do this every night, just when there is resistance brewing.
During bath time I pretend to be Flo, the salon owner. I speak in a Southern accent and tell her it's time for her services. She'll let Flo wash her hair and we chat it up like she's at a real salon.
My daughter has long hair and brushing it was a challenge, to say the least. When she would rage at me for pulling it, I would pleadingly call Tinker Bell in to put some fairy dust on her. This would calm her down. The theme: fantasy. We could get through anything if we employed our imaginations and kept our senses of humor.
Shampooing once or twice a week is just fine. And we only have a bath every other night.
Use conditioner even if your shampoo is a 2-in-1. It makes combing so much easier. I like leave-in conditioner because it's one less step in the bath.
When we started having hair-brushing battles, I convinced my daughter to cut her hair short. She likes it, and it's much easier to care for.

Refusing to go to bed (in their own bed)

Same bedtime, same routine, every single night. No surprises. No exceptions. Everyone knows what to expect.I set up rules before bedtime and repeat myself over and over saying, "You can't sleep in our bed, but I'd be happy to give you a hug and carry you back to your bed and tuck you in."
My daughter always wanted me to stay in her bed. I would lie down with her but set a timer for five minutes and kiss her and leave when it went off.

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