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So begins many fairy tales. And like these tales, the arrival of a baby usually represents an introduction to the world of many myths.
Everyone will have a piece of advice. Unfortunately, most of it is contradictory. Here are some common myths:
"Carrying the baby whenever they cry will spoil them."  
Current psychological research shows the opposite. When a child quickly receives what it needs they develop a feeling of self-confidence and become independent faster.

"When pregnant, you develop the image of an ideal baby."  
There is no perfect baby, just as there are no perfect parents. Every parent has to adapt to the personality of their child. With time, parents develop bonds with their children.

"Cereals help baby to sleep through the night."  
There is no truth to this. A newborn's stomach is not mature enough to digest cereals.

“Babies have to drink every four hours.”
This is not true; most infants do not follow any schedule.

"Not all women can breastfeed."  
According to the World Health Organization, only one percent of women are unable to breastfeed and this is due to reasons such as AIDS.
"You probably don’t produce enough milk or it’s not rich enough."  
Milk production depends on demand. More milk is produced, the more frequently a baby sucks. When you notice that a baby is not gaining weight or eating to his fill, you should look for the cause elsewhere. Often a sleepy child does not feed enough.

"Painful nipples are normal."  
No, it is not! Although common, painful nipples are avoidable in most cases. It is generally caused by improper latching of the baby's mouth on the nipple. When experiencing this, it is important to seek support from a group such as La Leche League, a public health nurse, or a breastfeeding clinic at a local hospital.

"Breastfeeding makes the breasts sag." 
On the contrary, breastfeeding and weaning helps to gradually regain breasts’ pre-pregnancy shape. The reasons for sagging breasts are due to rapid weight gain and lack of exercise.

"Bottle-feeding is easier."  
Once breastfeeding is well-established, it becomes a lot easier and faster. Breast milk is always ready and available in sufficient quantity. It is also economical.

"Breastfeeding does not foster father involvement."  
There are many ways, besides feeding the baby that a father can bond with his child. He can bathe the baby, change diapers, take them for a walk, and put them to bed.

"Every mother is filled with maternal love as soon as the baby is born."
Not always true! Sometimes the attachment develops slowly. You shouldn’t feel guilty or draw conclusions if you don't feel a connection with instantaneously.

"A newborn baby sleeps 20 hours out of 24!" 
Not always true; many children sleep in short stints

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